Queens' Fellow awarded OBE

Queens' Fellow, Professor Julia Gog,
recognised in the Birthday Honours list.

Professor Julia Gog has been recognised in the Birthday Honours List for her "services to Academia and the Covid-19 response".
Julia is a leading expert in the use of mathematical modelling to understand and help control the spread of infectious diseases. She is part of SPI-M, the group with expertise on pandemic modelling. Since January, the focus has been COVID-19. Julia’s work on SAGE and subcommittees has included particular attention to children in this pandemic, and building the evidence-base for safe reopening of schools.
Julia is the Professor of Mathematical Biology in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. Among many other roles, she serves on the steering committee to the Royal Society's Rapid Assistance in Modelling the Pandemic initiative. She won the Royal Society’s Rosalind Franklin Medal for 2020, and has also recently been made an Honorary Member of the Mathematical Association.
At Queens’, Julia is the Director of Studies in Maths and the David N. Moore Fellow in Mathematics. She is Senior Treasurer of MagSoc, enjoys Fellows’ badminton and plays in defence for the Queens’ Women's Football team.
Julia said “It’s hugely rewarding to see so many scientists recognised in this way. While I am of course thankful for this personal honour, science is a team pursuit, and I am grateful to so many colleagues for their work and support particularly during this year. While there are still many challenges ahead, we will continue to do all we can to help bring this pandemic to an end.”