David Alfred Warmington
1937 - 2022

David Alfred Warmington, Warmy to his friends, was born 25th August 1937, in Little Aston, Sutton Coldfield, the only child of Clifford and Majorie Warmington. The war years were spent in Conwy, North Wales and then he headed to Prep school at Epworth, followed by Shrewsbury School from 1951. Having completed his National Service in the REME stationed at Cornwall he came up to Queens' College in 1958 to read Engineering on a scholarship from General Electric. An active team player, he took part in many sports and societies whilst at college, and became Captain of the college golf team. During university holidays he liked to travel extensively. Notable trips included running ski lifts in Lake Louise, Canada, and road trips to the far-flung corners of Europe in his trusty Morris Minor. He had extremely fond memories of his time at Queens' and made many lifelong friends.
After graduating in 1961 he started his working life at GEC in Witton. In 1967, he moved to Edinburgh and then to Glasgow, working for the Carron Company in Falkirk. It was here that he met Lesley, who he would later marry on 15th April, 1970. They went on to have a son Richard and daughter Sally (St Catharine’s, 1991).
In 1974 David took up a position running the production plant for Valor Gas in Erdington, Birmingham. He was then transferred to Isfahan, Iran, to do the same, where he and the family greatly enjoyed living, with a menagerie of adopted animals until 1978.
The family then returned to the Midlands, where he worked firstly in the spring industry, and then in the mid 1980s he moved into the fledgling steel door industry, where he remained for the next 30 years firstly with Doors and Hardware and then Taskmaster Doors.
Outside of work he would continue to pursue his love of golf – continuing the family tradition of joining Little Aston Golf Club in 1950, and like his father of being appointed both Captain and President of Little Aston Golf Club.
Gregarious and a natural host, he was never happier than being with friends and family, enjoying a good meal and a bottle or two of fine wine. He was a wonderful raconteur, and his warmth, humour and generosity will be greatly missed by all who had the pleasure to meet him, along with his exceptional storytelling and memory.
A devoted and loving husband, father and grandfather to Oliver, Emily, Freya and Ella, he will forever be remembered and much loved by his family.