Dr John Meadows (1958)

John Meadows was born on 25th March 1940, the son of Dr Swithin Meadows, Consultant Neurologist to the Westminster Hospital and the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases. John was educated at Westminster School and Queens' College, Cambridge, where he obtained first class honours in both parts of the Natural Sciences Tripos. His clinical training was at St Thomas' Hospital where he subsequently underwent his postgraduate training, ending as senior registrar in neurology. He also worked at the Middlesex Hospital and the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases.
In 1972 he worked for a year at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. He was appointed consultant neurologist at St George's Hospital in 1974, but after a few years, he left to enter full-time private practice in Harley Street. There he built up a large and successful practice and treated many famous patients. In his early 60s, he retired early for health reasons and moved to Shropshire, where he had a house in Ludlow and a small farm in the country nearby. His later years were beset with cancer and Parkinson's disease and he died on the 7th October 2024.
He is survived by his widow, Trish, and sons Tom and Christopher; a third son, Richard, predeceased him.