Professor Glover wins SU Student-Led Teaching Award

Congratulations to Professor Beverley Glover, Fellow and Director of Studies at Queens’ College, who has won the 2022 Student-Led Teaching Award (SLTA) in the Lecturer category.
The Cambridge Student Union’s SLTAs were created to reward staff who have provided outstanding teaching and student support in Cambridge. With nearly 400 nominations submitted to the SLTAs, Professor Glover’s award was decided by panels of students who reviewed and selected the winners and commendations in each of the nine categories.
"It's a great honour to have won the SLTA lecturer award. Being able to share my excitement about the wonderful world of plants with our fantastic students is always a great joy, so I feel very lucky to also win an award for it."
Beverley Glover has been a Fellow of Queens’ since 1996. She is currently Director of the University Botanic Garden, and runs a research group in the Department of Plant Sciences focussing on plant evolution and development;
The full list of winners and nominations can be found on the Cambridge SU website.