Queens' Appoints New Chaplain and Director of Music

We are excited to announce the appointment of Rev’d Anna Jones as the new Chaplain and Mr Nicholas Morris as the new Director of Music for Queens' College, both starting in September 2022.
The Dean of Chapel, Rev’d Tim Harling, said this about the announcement:
“This is an incredibly exciting time of change for us as a Chapel Community. Anna has a deep and considered theology linked with a commitment to prayer and pastoral support. Anna, formerly a librarian and Tutor within the University before Ordination, comes to us after completing her Curacy within Ely Diocese. Nick, previously an Organ Scholar at the College, brings huge experience and passion for music making and choir direction. Since being at Queens' he has worked in Church settings both large and small growing his portfolio of expertise and talent.”
As both Anna and Nick commence their roles in September, we encourage checking the Chapel pages of the website for further updates.

Rev'd Anna Jones, Chaplain
Rev'd Anna Jones, Chaplain

Mr Nicholas Morris, Director of Music
Mr Nicholas Morris, Director of Music