Queens' Islamic Society
Queens' Islamic Society holds events and socials for Muslim students at the College, based at the Faith Centre (FF8, Cripps Court). Last year, for instance, the Society held an Eid and Aftar party.
Recently, an anonymous donor generously endowed the Society. We are most grateful for their support of the society and the students look forward to hosting many more events for Islamic students in the future.
Queens' Islamic Society has the following committee members. You can get in contact with any of them using the contact details below.
President & MCR Rep - Irum Maqbool -- im469@cam.ac.uk
Vice President & JCR Rep - Hamzah Iqbal - hai21@cam.ac.uk
Comms Officer - Sanaa Cocker - sftc2@cam.ac.uk
Junior Treasurer - Hamdah Qalib - hq221@cam.ac.uk
The Senior Treasurer for the Islamic Society is Revd Tim Harling.