Remembrance Service
Queens' Chapel, Sunday 13th November

The Remembrance Service at Queens' College took place in Chapel on Sunday 13th November. The service began at 10.50am. Members of the University (junior and senior) wore gowns, and Fellows also wore hoods.
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them."
The preacher was the Dean of Chapel, the Revd Tim Harling. The Vice-President, Prof Marie Edmonds, read the Ode of Remembrance, and the Last Post sounded before the laying of the College wreath. The Senior Tutor, Dr Andrew Thompson, read from John 15.9-17. The Revd Doctor Jonathan Holmes read out the Roll of Honour, the names of Queens' members who died as a result of war in 1943.

A string quartet gave the MagSoc recital at 1pm in Chapel, with all in attendance at the service able to stay on and listen. A service of Holy Communion also took place at 6pm on Sunday, led by the Dean, with musical contributions by the Graduate Choir.
For enquiries about the Remembrance Service or Queens' Chapel, please email