Talk to us!
Prospective applicants can now ask questions and talk live with the Admissions team through our website.

One of the main benefits of Open Days and school visits to and from Queens' is the opportunity that prospective applicants have to ask questions and speak with our Admissions team and current students.
We are delighted to launch a new live chat feature on our website to enabled prospective applicants to speak to our team and have their questions answered in real time, as in-person outreach activities continue to be impossible. This gives prospective applicants the chance to ask any questions they have about studying at Cambridge and being a Queens' student, no matter where they live.
You can access the feature on the right hand side at the bottom of our admissions pages.
The chat feature is aimed at prospective undergraduate applicants and queries will mainly be answered by Undergraduate Admissions Coordinator, Susan Nowak, and Bradford Schools Liaison Officer, Siân Bex.
There will also be opportunities for prospective applicants to speak directly with current students through the feature, in scheduled Q&A sessions and at virtual Open Days.