Celebrating Professor Richard Fentiman
Marking the completion of The Richard Fentiman Fellowship in Law.

A celebratory dinner to mark the completion of The Richard Fentiman Fellowship in Law and Professor Fentiman's retirement took place at the Oxford and Cambridge Club in London on Wednesday. Professor Fentiman taught Law between 1981 and 2023, and is now a Life Fellow at Queens'. He was joined by donors to the Fellowship, many of whom studied Law under him over different generations, with matriculation years ranging from 1960 to 2022. Other Queens' Fellows in attendance included Dr Federica Paddeu, Derek Bowett Fellow in Law, and Mr Rowan Kitt.
The new Fentiman Fellowship is the fourth Fellowship in Law to be established at Queens'. The inaugural Fellow will be Dr Jennifer Cobbe, a former Rokos PDRA who joined Queens' in 2019, pending Governing Body approval. Her research examines legal responses to new technologies, technical mechanisms for improving legal compliance and accountability of complex systems, and theoretical approaches to privacy, surveillance, and tech industry business models.
Professor Fentiman was presented with a mounted photograph of the view from his office in C1 Old Court as a small token of the College's appreciation for his many years of teaching and support of Queens'.