In Memoriam

Queens' Chapel

With sadness, Queens’ has received notification of the deaths of the following Members of the College.

Most recently:

David Lloyd (1956)
Dr Bill North (1953)
Dr Christopher Collins (1968)
Philip Robinson (1955)
Hiroshi Shimazaki (1976)
John Wilkinson (1959)
Michael Wright (1949)
Richard Rumary (1960)
Dr Jim Price (1978)
Nicholas Rule (1978)
Arthur Stott (1955)
Dr Alexander Young (1952)
William Hartley (1964)
Tony Chamberlin (1956)
Charles Love (1955)
Richard Hughes (1959)
Keith Rutter (1957)
John Meadows (1958)
Miles Palin (1945)
Alun Dacey (1968)
Dr Ian Lawrence (1955)
Brian O'Loghlen (1970)
Adrian Noble (1954)
Ian Hoskison (1959)
Peter Kenyon (1949)
Christopher Stephens (1968)
Anthony John Sharpe (1949)
Julian Branston (1961)
Thomas Hudson (1951)
Charles Edward Cresswell Woolley (1949)
Richard Chalcraft (1994)
Sir Oliver Popplewell (1948)
Robert Allan Scudamore (1957)
Peter Sullivan (1956)
David Shotton (1962)
Gregory Tennant (1981)
John Hayes (1957)
James G. Ulmer, Jr.(1948)
David Anderson (1982)
John Labrum (1958)
John Redfern (1953)
Giles Galley (1953)
John Darling (1960)
Brian Livingston (1955)
Geoffrey Henman (1959)
Michael Geach (1949)
John Darling (1960)
Bryan Waldron (1951)
Ron Gibson (1962)
John (David) de Pury (1951)

Barry Webb (1948)
Jon Pither (1954)
Peter Mills (1953)
The Rt Rev'd Mark Santer (1957)
Stuart Waller (1956)
Dr James Swallow (1946)
David Duffett (1971)
Richard Foulkes (1964, Fellow Commoner)
Dr Manohar Singh Gill MP (1967, Honorary Fellow)
Tony Pender (1961)
Christopher Smith (1973)
Christopher Hutchinson (1956)
Richard Allsop (1959)
David Harrison (2003)
David De Pury (1952)
Nadaraser Pararajasingam (1957)
Timothy Pascoe (1962)
Mark Crosse (1958)
Peter Lewis (1963)
Peter Holland (1947)
Andy Pomfret (1979, Fellow Commoner)
Peter Greenough (1944)
Richard Warner (1945)
Richard Long (1960)
Sydney Mallon (1951)
John Nutter (1959)
Richard Moulton (1949)
Roger Glasbey (1950)
John Harrison (1951)
Gordon Hartley (1951)
Peter Browne (1951)
Bryan Ellis (1951)
Humphrey Tranter (1952)
Edward Payne (1952)
Richard Hewitt (1956)
David Turner (1956)
David Emrys Lawrence (1958)
Andrew Turner (1961)
Andrew Brunt (1963)
Stanley Monkhouse (1969)
David Sills (1970)
Paul Barber (1971)

We would be grateful to receive obituaries for any recently deceased alumni; please send them by email. Also, if you are aware of any recently deceased Queens' alumni not listed above, please do let us know.

Lists of those who have passed away in previous years can be found in the College Record: